$350 million in additional funds to SmartEd

Published on 24 May 2024 at 10:54

One important area of transforming education systems remain the use of innovative technologies to aid teaching and learning. The Covi-19 Pandemic accelerated the digital education trends in the Global south, nevertheless, systemic challenges remain. 

The Global Partneship for Education(GPE) works with national governments and multi-lateral partners  to ensure education sytems are revamped and that those systems are not only financed but also are fit for purpose, one such initiative is granting additional $350 funding to SmartEd.  

GPE CEO Laura Frigenti had a fruitful trip to Saudi Arabia, where she participated in the Annual Meetings and 50th anniversary of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). She met with representatives from the Saudi government, members of the Arab Coordination Group and also spoke at the World Economic Forum MENA. The talks centered on innovative funding to mobilize more resources for education.

In an opinion published by The National, she stated: “Financing quality education is not a luxury; it is a market necessity and collective responsibility to build a prosperous and equitable future. Together with our partners, we will continue to innovate education financing so that in a rapidly changing labor market, every child can access the quality education they need to learn, grow and thrive.”


Due to dwindling education funding in lower-income countries, exacerbated by debt burdens, ongoing crises, and the residual effects of COVID-19, millions of children remain deprived of the opportunity to learn skills vital for future employment. Through SmartEd, the GPE, IsDB, and ACG have mobilized significant resources otherwise unavailable for education.

Globally, a staggering 250 million children are not attending school, representing a severe crisis compounded by limited resources,” noted Laura Frigenti, CEO of GPE. “Amid these challenges, SmartEd offers a ray of hope and a reason to celebrate. We are eager to work with our Gulf partners to expand on its success, preparing more children for a prosperous future.”


Introduced in 2021, SmartEd utilizes the GPE Multiplier, a tool that enhances education financing by securing $4 from other donors for every $1 provided by GPE, helping lower-income countries address critical education challenges. SmartEd aims to boost access to quality education in 37 member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which includes 28 million out-of-school children. To date, SmartEd has allocated $350 million to projects in Cameroon, the Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan.

The program is already making a significant difference. For instance, in 2023, Uzbekistan leveraged $160 million in co-financing through SmartEd to secure a $40 million GPE Multiplier grant. This funding encouraged the government of Uzbekistan to contribute an additional $20 million, culminating in a $220 million financial package aimed at improving equitable access to quality education and enhancing the efficiency of the education system. In Uzbekistan, SmartEd funds are also being used to construct and equip over 80 schools and to improve education management information systems for better data-driven decision-making.

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